Welcome to the Company Name Online Ordering System
- Please use Internet Explorer for placing orders to get the best preview. If you use another browser you may get less accurate font and color representations in your preview.
- After reviewing this instruction page, click the 'proceed' button to begin ordering.
Navigation Links (appear on the left side of screen)
Clicking this navigation link displays a page containing
the list of available products. Clicking on the name
of the product will take you to the order page for that
specific item.
My Cart
Clicking this navigation link displays the checkout page.
Clicking this navigation link displays a page for finding
previous orders and adding them to the cart.
Order Page(s)
- Select a product
- Choose: Qty needed
- Enter the appropriate information on the order template
- Choose: Preview Sample to see what your item will look like
- If you have not filled in the fields according to the system guidelines you will receive an error message
- Please review your item to confirm that all information is spelled correctly and that phone numbers and email addresses are correct
- Choose: Yes in the "Have you viewed your item for accuracy box"
- Choose: Add to Cart
Checkout Page
- A list of the products in your shopping cart will be displayed, with the following options for each product:
- Edit: Opens the order page with your information. You may review or change your information here.
- Delete: Removes the product from the cart.
- Fill in ship-to address information.
- Enter: Name, phone number and email address of the person placing the order and any other required information. (You will receive confirmation of your order via email)
- It is your responsibility to make sure your orders are accurate before submitting the order.
If you have any problems or questions please email us at customer_service@company.com
or call us at 888-888-8888.